AUTISM SHARING AND PARENTING: TWO Meetings to choose from!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Northern Home for Children
5301 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19128
Lunch Provided
Visual Work Tasks for Learners on the Autism Spectrum
Presented by Renee Henderson
Discussion and hands on examples of reading, math, and writing tasks for your child to be used in the home. Tasks can assist in teaching your child communication skills or supporting your child academic IEP goals.
* Free drawing! A limited number of "How Do I Teach This Kid" books by Kimberly Henry will be given away !!
Interactive book kits made by the presenter will also be available to take home!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
8th & Market, 7th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(Please sign in at the front desk)
Light Meal Provided
Recreation & Day Camp Options!
Facilitated by Gail Stein
Trying to decide what this summer will look like for a child on the spectrum?
Come hear about some of the new and not so new programs available, procedure for admittance, and grant opportunities.
PA Mentor will also join us to discuss their summer camps for children on the spectrum.
About the Presenters:
Renee Henderson, is parent to a nine-year-old girl on the spectrum with severe language delays. Renee has supplemented her daughter's public education and therapy with "home schooling" since her diagnosis. She has nurtured her natural gift with seminars, workshops and conferences covering all areas of behavioral therapy and education for children on the spectrum
Gail Stein, L.C. S.W., is Director of the Variety Club for Children Family Autism Resource Center. She has been key in orchestrating countless autism community events including the Variety Sesame Place Day for children on the spectrum and Variety Club Fun Days and Summer Camp
What is ASP?
ASP is a volunteer run, Community-based, support group with the following goals
- To provide a support system for children with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and their families
- To educate the under-informed and culturally diverse populations of Philadelphia and Montgomery counties
- To advocate for Children with ASD and their families
- To increase awareness of Autism and autism issues in Philadelphia & Montgomery counties and PA