Monday, December 28, 2009

Jan 9: Ruth Landsman

Saturday, January 9, 2010
, 1:00-3:00 pm

Chestnut Hill Library, 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia

Refreshments served from 12:30-1:00

Speaker: Ruth Landsman on Special Education

SPECIAL PARENTS OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (SPEC), a group founded and run by parents of children with special needs, invites you to come and share with other parents the triumphs and challenges of raising a child with special needs. SPEC’s purpose is to provide support and information. We meet monthly during the school year and welcome parents and caregivers of children of all ages and types of needs. We welcome back the many folks who continue to attend, and we love newcomers!

Ruth Landsman is director and founding member of the Parents Exchange, an information, referral and advocacy organization. She has two decades of experience advocating for the rights of children to special education, and more than two decades as the parent of a child with special needs. Please join us and bring your questions about your child’s access to education, IEP, ESY, and all those other bewildering terms!

No RSVP is necessary. Parking is available at the lot behind Top of the Hill Plaza, entrance on Bethlehem Pike. The Library is close to the terminus of the 23, L and 94 buses and the final stops of the R8 and R7 train lines. Sorry, there is no child care at the meetings.

For more information, directions, to volunteer, offer to bring refreshments, or to get on the mailing list, call Jean at 215-913-9027 or email Please send an email to let us know if you prefer NOT to receive our mailings or emails, or if you are willing to receive the email version only.


February 6 – Estate Planning, Special Needs Trusts and Guardianship

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dec 5: Joe Scullin

Saturday, December 5, 2009
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Chestnut Hill Library, 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia*
Director of Community Social Services, UCP

We welcome Joe Scullin, a longtime parent advocate and expert on social services available to children with special needs. He will discuss appeals, grievances and complaints with systems and services for individuals with disabilities. He will also answer questions about waivers, Medicaid, and special education. Bring your questions! Come at 12:30 for light refreshments and to meet other parents. We will start the presentation promptly at 1:00.

Monday, October 26, 2009

We're back for 2009!




Saturday, November 7, 2009

from 1:00 - 3:00

Chestnut Hill Library, 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia

SPECIAL PARENTS OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (SPEC), a group founded and run by parents of children with special needs, invites you to come and share with other parents the triumphs and challenges of raising a child with special needs. SPEC's purpose is to provide support and information. We meet monthly during the school year and welcome parents and caregivers of children of all ages and types of needs. We welcome back the many folks who continue to attend, and we love newcomers!

At this first meeting of 2009, we will get together to greet new parents and decide on a list of topics for the next few monthly meetings. Please bring your ideas and questions!

No RSVP is necessary. Light refreshments will be served. Parking is available at the lot behind Top of the Hill Plaza, entrance on Bethlehem Pike. The Library is close to the terminus of the 23, L and 94 buses and the final stops of the R8 and R7 train lines. Sorry, there is no child care at the meetings and we can not offer child care or transportation reimbursement. For more information, directions, to volunteer, offer to bring refreshments, or to get on the mailing list, call Jean at 215-913-9027 or email Please send an email to let us know if you prefer NOT to receive our mailings or emails, or if you are willing to receive the email version only.

NEXT MEETING: DECEMBER 5 (Speaker: Joe Scullin, UCP)


Friday, September 18, 2009

Conference Oct 22, 2009

Take Control: Building Skills for a
Successful Tomorrow
Thursday, Oct 22, 2009 Holiday Inn Cherry Hill, NJ
8:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Last Day for Early Registration!

Sign up Today!

View Brochure:

Register online:

Contact: Colleen Wells, Interactive Kids
(856) 810-7599
Take Control: Building Skills for a Successful Tomorrow

The Second in a Special Needs Conference Series

Deciding what is best for your child can be a daunting task for any parent, and even more so if your child has a special need.

8:30-9:00 am Registration/Continental Breakfast

9:00-10:00 am
"The Changing face of Parent Advocacy" Keynote Speaker: CEO of Exceptional Parent Magazine; Joseph Valenzano Jr.

10:00-11:00 am
(Track 1) Promoting Social Skills with Special Needs Children - A behavior analyst and occupational therapist will explore strategies for improving social skills.
(Track 2) Guardianship and Estate Planning - Determining who will care for your individual with special needs after the age of 18 & evaluating long term financial options will be the focus of this seminar.

11:00-12:00 pm
(Track 1) Developing Functional Communications Skills in Children
What are you trying to tell me? - This presentation will provide an introduction to the methods of FCT from the perspective of a behavior analyst and a speech pathologist.
(Track 2) Services after Educational Entitlement Ends - Presenters from DDD and DVR will discuss service options and provide pointers on how to be pro-active in advocating for services for your older child.

12:00-1:15 pm Lunch & Networking

1:15-3:15 pm How to be an Effective IEP Team Member - Hillary Freedman, Esq. will be discussing how to be an effective IEP team member and what to do when collaboration doesn't work.


(856) 810-7599 Fax (856) 810-7662
Interactive Kids 3002 Lincoln Drive West Suite E
Marlton, NJ 08055

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another way to get to Carnegie Hall

Jerry Seinfeld will headline a star-studded night of comedy and music at the fifth Concert for Autism Speaks on November 17 at Carnegie Hall, in New York City. The evening will include a special appearance by Bruce Springsteen. The unprecedented event, emceed by NBC News' Meet the Press David Gregory, will help increase awareness about autism and raise funds to benefit the work of Autism Speaks, the nation's largest autism science and advocacy organization.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An Inconvenient Youth

Just a quick hand-off to an article from Oprah's site that may be of interest to anyone raising (or support someone raising) a child with autism.

Enjoy summer -- JD

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Resource Fair for Parents with Austic Children

presented by Autism Sharing & Parenting, Inc.

Saturday, August 15, 2008

Center for Autism
3905 Ford Rd
Suite 6
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Just off I-76 and City Ave. w/ Free Parking Lot and Street Parking
*Enter from Ellington Road*

Special Guest Presenter:
Lisa Mitchell
M.S.W., L.C.S.W. - R

Bringing the Birds & Bees Down to Earth:
Sexuality Education for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders

This nationally renowned presenter will cover everything from puberty preparation to direct sexual education for all ranges of individuals on the spectrum.

Be prepared for frank discussion with practical solutions and resources. This topic is rarely discussed but definitely needed.

Lisa Mitchell is a licensed Social Worker with The Cody Center for Autism & Developmental Disabilities Sexuality Education and Reproductive Developmental Disabilities Sexuality Education and Reproductive Health Program (Stony Brook, NY)


Sign up for IEP Clinic!


Advocate and Founder of The Parent Exchange

Bring your IEP for a one-to-one, 15 minute session.

Sign up by calling 215-413-7106 or e-mailing

Slots are filled is on 'first-come, first-serve' basis. If you are not available for your 15 minute time-slot, it will be re-assigned.



Fun Children’s Activities compliments of Parent to Child
Resources, Resources, Resources!

Join Us! Please RSVP!

Food will be served, Volunteers are needed, Donations accepted

Thursday, July 2, 2009

PA HB 1665: call to action

PA House Bill 1665 provides special funding guidance for PA approved private schools (including the four chartered school for the deaf and blind, which includes my daughter's school :-) -- please contact your representatives and let them know how important it is to support this legislation (as well as your family and friends); you can determine your state senator’s and representative’s contact information by clicking on the following link and putting in your home address: -- some points to consider:
  • H.B. 1665 is important to schools that educate children with disabilities because it will help our school to keep up with the funding for special education and basic education. Both basic and special education are likely to have significant increases for 2009-10 because of federal stimulus dollars, which can’t be used for the Approved Private School for the Children with Disabilities. Because the increase for special education is from federal dollars, the line item for special education this year is flat lined. This means that in 2010-11 there will be no increase for our school, unless H.B. 1665 is enacted.
  • Our Approved Private Schools teach children with the most severe and complex disabilities – students who come with a variety of disabilities and in many cases, multiple disabilities. A student population with one or more complex and severe disabilities means higher costs to educate.
  • The bill applies only to those fiscal years in which special education is flat lined. In such a year, the increase for our school would be the average percentage of the increases for special and basic education in the last year in which there was an increase for special and basic education.
  • H.B. 1665 will require no funding for 2009-10 as our appropriation for the 2009-10 is based on last year’s special education line item.
  • (When communicating with Democratic House members) – “ Please tell Appropriations Chair Dwight Evans and your floor leadership, Majority Leader Eachus and Speaker McCall that you would like H.B. 1665 amended into the omnibus school code bill that will pass with the budget.”
  • (When communicating with Republican House members) - “Please tell Appropriations leader Mario Civera and your floor leader, Sam Smith, that you want H.B. 1665 amended into the omnibus school code bill that passes with the budget.”
May I also suggest the following "talking points" (yes, you now have talking points!):
  • S. B. 982 is important to our approved private schools for children with disabilities because it will help our school keep up with the funding for special education and basic education. Both basic and special education are likely to have significant increases for 2009-10 because of federal stimulus dollars, which can’t be used for our Chartered School for the Deaf and Blind and for the Approved Private School for the Disabled. Because the increase for special education is from federal dollars, the line item for special education this year is flat lined. This means that in 2010-11 there will be no increase for our school, unless S. B. 982 is enacted.
  • Our Chartered Schools and the Approved Private Schools teach children with the most severe and complex disabilities – students who come with a variety of disabilities and in many cases, multiple disabilities. A student population with one or more complex and severe disabilities means higher costs to educate.
  • The bill applies only to those fiscal years in which special education is flat lined. In such a year, the increase for our school would be the average percentage of the increases for special and basic education in the last year in which there was an increase for special and basic education.
  • S. B. 982 will require no funding for 2009-10 as our appropriation for the 2009-10 is based on last year’s special education line item.
  • (When communicating with Republican Senate members) - “Please tell Appropriations leader Jake Corman, Education Committee Chair Jeffrey Piccola, and your floor leader Dominic Pileggi, that you want S. B. 982 amended into the omnibus school code bill that passes with the budget.”
  • (When communicating with Democratic Senate members) – “ Please tell Appropriations Chair Jay Costa and your floor leader Robert Mellow that you would like S.B. 982 amended into the omnibus school code bill that will pass with the budget.”

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

May 16: The Sibling Journey

Dale Fisher, a clinical social worker and family therapist in private practice, specializes in helping families who are dealing with the impact of having a child with a developmental disability. On May 16 she will address the particular issues for siblings – their thoughts and feelings, roles and long-term impact on their lives.

Chestnut Hill Library, May 16, 1-3 pm

No RSVP is necessary. Light refreshments will be served. Parking is available at the lot behind Top of the Hill Plaza, entrance on Bethlehem Pike. The Library is close to the terminus of the 23, L and 94 buses and the final stops of the R8 and R7 train lines. Sorry, there is no child care at the meetings and we can not offer child care or transportation reimbursement.

For more information, directions, to volunteer, to offer to bring refreshments, or to get on the mailing list, call Jean at 215-913-9027 or email Please send an email to let us know if you prefer NOT to receive our mailings or emails, or if you are willing to receive the email version only.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Apr 4: Ruth Landsman on Special Education



Saturday, April 4, 2009 from 1:00-3:00

Chestnut Hill Library, 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia

Refreshments served from 12:30-1:00

Ruth Landsman on Special Education

SPECIAL PARENTS OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (SPEC), a group founded and run by parents of children with special needs, invites you to come and share with other parents the triumphs and challenges of raising a child with special needs. SPEC’s purpose is to provide support and information. We meet monthly during the school year and welcome parents and caregivers of children of all ages and types of needs. We welcome back the many folks who continue to attend, and we love newcomers!

Ruth Landsman is director and founding member of the Parents Exchange, an information, referral and advocacy organizations. She has two decades of experience advocating for the rights of children to special education, and more than two decades as the parent of a child with special needs. Please join us and bring your questions about your child’s access to education.

No RSVP is necessary. Light refreshments will be served. Parking is available at the lot behind Top of the Hill Plaza, entrance on Bethlehem Pike. The Library is close to the terminus of the 23, L and 94 buses and the final stops of the R8 and R7 train lines. Sorry, there is no child care at the meetings and we can not offer child care or transportation reimbursement.

For more information, directions, to volunteer, offer to bring refreshments, or to get on the mailing list, call Jean at 215-913-9027 or email Please send an email to let us know if you prefer NOT to receive our mailings or emails, or if you are willing to receive the email version only.



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

from Kathleen Britt who visited Mar 7, 2009

Thank you so much for having me at the meeting. Any opportunity I have to meet new people I take it!
Here are a couple of websites that may be helpful to people in your group:
For those that are interested, Special Olympics Philadelphia can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. We are constantly updating those sites to make sure everyone is up to date with what is new in our program.

I would love to come back again next year and please feel free to pass my contact information along to anyone that may have questions.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

TWO Meetings to choose from!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009
8th & Market, 7th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107


Saturday, March 21, 2009
*Center for Autism*
3905 Ford Rd, Suite 6
Philadelphia, PA 19131
*New Location*
*Enter from Ellington Road*

Please sign in at the front desk

Reading Intervention Strategies for Children on the Autism Spectrum
Presented by Renay Boyce, M.Ed.

The skills needed to be a successful reader include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Ms. Boyce will explain how to assist students when there are challenges in any of these areas. Strategies and ideas will be suggested to use at home.
Family members will leave with packets of useful information -- while supplies last!

YES! We are ALWAYS looking for volunteers -- Please call!

About the Presenter:

Renay Boyce, M.Ed. is a Special Education Case Manager for the School District of Philadelphia. Ms. Boyce specializes in reading interventions and has presented to educators, including The Urban Education Special Education Leadership Collaborative and PA International Dyslexia Association. She is particularly known for bringing knowledge, resources and practical solutions to families in Philadelphia at the Office of Specialized Services annual parent training each June.

*ASP greatly appreciates your RSVP for an accurate head-count*

Light Meals Provided You MUST RSVP for Childcare at least 3 days in advance

Call RSVPLine: 215-413-7106 ~or~ Email: NASYA06@MSN.COM

Monday, February 16, 2009

New Respite Opportunities

This is a reminder about the new respite program being offered through the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) Services. Please note that any family wanting to take advantage of the respite service must have the family member registered with DBH.

For further information, please read the enclosed carefully and/or follow up directly with DBH.


Department of Behavioral Health

Children’s Respite Registration Form

1101 Market St. 7th fl. Phila. Pa 19107 Fax 215-685-4756

Contact 215-685-4734 or 215-685-5400

Child’s last name _________________________First name ___________________________________

DOB _______________Gender (M/F) __________Race ____________SS# ______________________

Is the above child currently residing in an out-of-home placement such as residential, foster care or in DHS custody? Yes____ No_____

If yes what type of placement? ___________________________________________________________

Primary Parent/guardian name ____________________________Relationship to child_______________

Home Address________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone # _____________________________ Cell Phone #________________________________

E-mail address_________________________________________________________________________

Person’s authorized to deliver / pick up ______________________________________________________

Emergency Contact Name_________________________________ Relationship to child_______________

Home Address__________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone #_____________________________ Cell Phone#___________________________________

The signature of the parent/guardian verifies that the information provided is accurate and truthful, also that you have read, understand and agree to follow the attached guidelines for the respite program.

Parent Signature_____________________________________________ Date ______________________

The Section Below Must Be Completed by the Behavioral HealthTX Professional.

Behavioral Health Provider ________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________Office phone#_____________________________

Name of TX Professional _______________________________________Phone #____________________

Behavioral Health Services currently receiving:

OP Therapy ___ Family Therapy ___TCM___ Family Based/Focused___ BHRS_____D&A_____

DSM Diagnosis (Please spell out diagnosis & include all Axes.)

Axis I _________________________________________________________________________________

Axis II ________________________________________________________________________________

Axis III _______________________________________________________________________________

Axis IV ______________________________________________________________________________

Axis V ______________________________________________________________________________

The signature of the behavioral health TX professional verifies that the information provided is accurate and truthful and is required for respite registration.

BH Providers Signature_____________________________________________ Date_______________

Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health

Description, Eligibility Criteria & Instructions for Respite Services

The Department of Behavioral Health is providing three unique styles of Respite Services in an effort to offer families caring for a child with behavioral health needs an opportunity for a much needed break. The three Respite Services being offered by the DBH are the Boy’s and Girls Club Saturday Afternoon Respite, Wordsworth Weekend Residential Respite & Silver Springs Weekend Overnight Residential Respite. All of the DBH Respite Programs are FREE. The DBH Respite Services are not an entitlement and availability is limited and on a first come first serve bases until June 28th 2009 or until funding is exhausted.

The DBH Respite Services are a recreational support and NOT treatment. The DBH Respite Services are not designed to be an alternative for crisis intervention, emergency evaluation, inpatient care or any other form of Behavioral Health treatment. The DBH Respite Services are NOT designed for children, who are verbally/physically aggressive, sexually inappropriate, chronic runaways, medication non-compliant, suicidal/homicidal or non-compliant towards authority figures on the day of respite. If your child present with any of the above he/she WOULD NOT be appropriate for the DBH Respite Services at this time. However, respite services can be considered once your child’s behavior improves. In addition, the DBH Respite Services CANNOT accommodate children who are sick i.e., fever, vomiting, diarrhea, contagious - pink eye, impetigo, lice or ringworm etc. If children are brought to respite sick or contagious their parents will be called to immediately pick them up.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • You MUST register your child with the Department of Behavioral health to determine eligibility.

  • You MUST submit a separate registration form for each child that you wish to register.

  • Your child MUST have a Mental Health Diagnosis provided by a Behavioral Health provider.

  • Your child MUST currently receive Behavioral Health services.

  • Your child MUST currently reside in Philadelphia County.

  • Your child CANNOT reside in any placement at the time respite is being requested. i.e., residential placement, juvenile placement, foster care or group home

  • Only children who are eligible and registered can utilize any of the respite services i.e., siblings, friends who are not eligible cannot attend respite.

  • The agency providing respite services MUST be notified 24 hours prior if the services are no longer required. Failure to do so may result in you no longer being considered for future respite services

  • The registration form MUST be signed by appropriate persons your child WILL NOT be registered if the registration form is not completed and signed.

  • If your child receives TSS services the TSS may be able to accompany your child to the respite program.

  • We recommend that you register with the Department of Behavioral Health as soon as possible to make sure your child is approved for respite services and that you get on the list.

  • We recommend that you not wait until just before needing respite services to register.

  • We recommend that valuables not be brought to respite. No one is responsible for any items loss or damage.

Learn About Our 3 Unique Respite Programs:

Boys and Girls Club Saturday Afternoon Respite Program

The Boys and Girls Club Saturday Afternoon Respite Program will begin in January 31, 2009. This program will rotate each Saturday at one of five different Boy’s and Girls Clubs located throughout the City of Philadelphia. The hours of operation are 12 noon- 5:00 p.m. The Boys and Girls Club is a safe child and youth friendly facility, with six trained staff available at all times. The Boys and Girls Club Saturday Afternoon Respite Program can accommodate up to 35 children and youth each Saturday ranging in ages 6 to 15 years old. The children and youth will engage in age appropriate activities and will be grouped accordingly 6-8yrs, 9-11yrs, and 12–15yrs. All children and youth that participate in the Boys & Girls Club Saturday Respite Program will ultimately receive a membership to the Boys & Girls Club which will allow them to participate and utilize the activities in any of the twelve Boys & Girls Clubs in Philadelphia until June 30, 2009. All parents and children who register to participate in the Boys & Girls Club Saturday Respite Program are required to attend a one time only mandatory 1 hour orientation before the child or youth can be admitted to the respite program. Lunch and snacks will be provided however children with special dietary requirements may need to bring their own food and beverages The Boys & Girls Club Saturday Afternoon Respite Program is FREE until 5:00 pm ONLY!

Boys and Girls Club Saturday Afternoon Respite Program Schedule

  • The first Saturday of each month the location will be

Germantown Boys & Girls Club 25 West Penn St. Phila, Pa. 19144 215-844-7771

  • The second Saturday of each month the location will be

Bridgesburg Boys & Girls Club 2901 Bridge St. Phila, Pa. 19137 215-743-7755

  • The third Saturday of each month the location will be

Lauretha Vaird Boys & Girls Club 4800 Whitaker Ave. Phila, Pa. 19124 215-457-8480

  • The fourth Saturday of each month the location will be

Wilson Park Boys & Girls Club 2500 Jackson St. Phila, Pa 19145 215- 684-0014

  • The fifth Saturday’s January 31st & May 30th the location will be

Fairmont Boys & Girls Club 1100 Poplar St. Phila, Pa. 19123 215- 684-2519

Saturday Respite Activities: Arts and Crafts, Sports, Outdoor play (weather permitting), Computers, Video games


  • Parent/Legal Guardian must pre-register in person with the Boys and Girls Club Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. prior to the Saturday they would like their child to attend.

Registration includes: reviewing policies and procedures, signing a membership form.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST submit an updated Child Health Assessment (for membership purposes only not required for the Respite Program).

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST notify the Boys and Girls Club in advance if their child will be unable to attend. Failure to do so may result in you no longer being considered for future respite services.

  • The Boys and Girls staff WILL NOT administer medications however they will hold all medication and supervise any child able to self medicate.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST accompany their child into the building and sign them in.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian should bring photo ID when delivering and picking up their child.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST come into the building to sign their child out and show photo ID before they can leave the program.

  • Anyone other then a parent delivering or picking up a child MUST present photo ID. And they must have written permission submitted by the parent in advance.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for paying all LATE FEES if their child is not picked up by 5:00 p.m.

Wordsworth Weekend Respite Residential Program

Wordsworth Weekend Respite Residential Program will begin February 6, 2009. The Wordsworth Respite Program will operate from February 6, 2009 through June 28, 2009 or until funds are exhausted. Wordsworth will provide both treatment foster care and host homes for the respite program. Wordsworth will ensure that all respite providers are trained foster parents and have their required clearance. In order to participate in the respite program children must first be registered with the Department of Behavioral Health and determined to be eligible. Once registered and approved parents can contact Wordsworth directly to arrange for respite services. This is not an emergency program. Wordsworth respite services are available Friday 7:00 p.m. until Sunday 7:00 p.m. only. A respite stay can be a full day, overnight, or a weekend. Wordsworth Weekend Respite Residential Services can be accessed a maximum of 2 calendar days anytime from February 6, 2009 – June 28, 2009 (a 24 hours respite stay that continues into the next day for a total of 4 hours constitutes 2 calendar days) i.e., Saturday 8:00 a.m. until Sunday 12 noon. Wordsworth will be accepting children on a first come first serve basis and will do their best to match the appropriate respite home to the child’s specific needs and personality. There is however no guarantee that every child will be matched for every weekend request. Most of the respite homes are in Philadelphia County, however there are several located in nearby counties. Parents are responsible for delivering and picking up their children. Both the parent and child are subject to follow the intake requirements and the policies and procedures of Wordsworth. Meals will be provided however children with special dietary requirements may need to bring their own food and beverages. The parent/legal guardian must pick up their child on time. Any late fees must be paid in full by the parent at the time of pickup.


  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST contact Wordsworth 2 Monday’s prior to the date of the needed respite service by 5:00 p.m. to request Wordsworth Respite Services.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian CANNOT schedule respite care for their child more than 30 days in advance.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST notified Wordsworth 24 hours in advance if their child no longer requires the service. Failure to do so may result in you no longer being considered for future respite services.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST provide Wordsworth with at least one, but preferably two emergency contacts for their child.

  • If medication is needed Parent/Legal Guardian MUST provide medication in the original prescription bottle with enough medication only for the amount of time their child is schedule to be in respite care.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST provide the respite parent with any information regarding allergies, physical limitations, and/or current behavioral health issues that need to be monitored by the respite parent(s).

  • Parent/Legal Guardian are responsible for transportation.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian should bring photo ID when delivering and picking up their child from Wordsworth Respite Care.

  • Anyone other then a parent/legal guardian delivering or picking up a child MUST present photo ID and must have written permission submitted by the parent in advance.

  • Parents are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for paying all LATE FEES if their child is not picked up by the agreed upon time.

Silver Springs Weekend Only Respite Residential Program

Silver Springs Weekend Only Respite Program will operate from January 2009 through June 28, 2009 or until funds are exhausted. Silver Springs will provide treatment foster care homes for the respite program. Silver Springs will ensure that all respite providers are trained foster parents and have their required clearance. In order to participate in the respite program children must first be registered with the Department of Behavioral Health and determined to be eligible. Once registered and approved parents can contact Silver Springs directly to arrange for respite services. Parents can access respite care through Silver Springs during weekend hours only, for a minimum of 2 calendar days or 30 hours (24 hours of one day and at least 6 hours of a second day will be viewed as two calendar days) and a maximum of 48 hours from Friday 7pm through Sunday. Silver Springs Weekend Only Respite Program is not an emergency program. Silver Springs will be accepting children on a first come first serve basis and will do their best to match the appropriate respite home to the child’s specific needs and personality. There is however no guarantee that every child will be matched for every weekend request. Most of the respite homes are in Philadelphia County, however there are several located in nearby counties. Parents are responsible for delivering and picking up their children. Both the parent and child are subject to follow the intake requirements and the policies and procedures of Silver Springs. Meals will be provided however children with special dietary requirements may need to bring their own food and beverages. The parent/legal guardian must pick up their child on time. Any late fees must be paid in full by the parent at the time of pickup.


  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST contact Silver Springs 2 Monday’s prior to the date of the needed respite service by 5:00 p.m. to request Silver Springs Respite Services.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian CANNOT schedule respite care for their child more than 30 days in advance.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST notified Silver Springs 24 hours in advance if their child no longer requires the service. Failure to do so may result in you no longer being considered for future respite services.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST provide Silver Springs with at least one, but preferably two emergency contacts for their child.

  • If medication is needed Parent/Legal Guardian MUST provide medication in the original prescription bottle with enough medication only for the amount of time their child is schedule to be in respite care.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian MUST provide the respite parent with any information regarding allergies, physical limitations, and/or current behavioral health issues that need to be monitored by the respite parent(s).

  • Parent/Legal Guardian are responsible for transportation.

  • Parent/Legal Guardian should bring photo ID when delivering and picking up their child from Silver Springs Respite Care.

  • Anyone other then a parent/legal guardian delivering or picking up a child MUST present photo ID and must have written permission submitted by the parent in advance.

  • Parents are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for paying all LATE FEES if their child is not picked up by the agreed upon time.

Register w/Department of Behavioral Health by mailing form to

Children’s Respite Care

Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health

1101 Market Street 7th floor

Philadelphia, Pa 19107

Or fax to 215-685-4756


Friday, February 6, 2009

Autism conference at LaSalle May 1 2009

Autism Conference presented by Green Tree Partnerships and La Salle University

May 1, 2009, La Salle Union Building, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Experience 12 innovative workshops dealing with transition throughout the ASD spectrum. Hear from dynamic speakers in the autism community and network with clinicians, students, caregivers, and educators.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Scott Robertson
  • Anthony Rostain, M.D.
  • Guest: The Hon. Dennis O’Brien, Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
To register and learn more about Green Tree Partnerships, visit

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb 7: Heather Bowditch

Saturday, February 7, 2009

11:00 – 1:00

Chestnut Hill Library, 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia

Speaker: Heather Bowditch

“Stress and the Family”

Monday, January 12, 2009

Petition regarding disabilities and their perceptions ...

SPEC is a place for all to comment, so I am including one that may be controversial without endorsement or opposition, please review if you'd like to participate or ignore.

Some sources online:
-- JD


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced that it will give Jerry Lewis its Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award on February 22, 2009. Disability rights activists object to this award. During his decades of hosting the Labor Day Telethon, Jerry Lewis has helped to perpetuate negative, stereotypical attitudes toward people with muscular dystrophy and other disabilities. Jerry Lewis and the Telethon actively promote pity as a fundraising strategy. Disabled people want RESPECT and RIGHTS, not pity and charity.

In 1990, Lewis wrote that if he had muscular dystrophy and had to use a wheelchair, he would "just have to learn to try to be good at being a half a person." During the 1992 Telethon, he said that people with MD, whom he always insists on calling "my kids," "cannot go into the workplace. There's nothing they can do." Comments like these have led disability activists and our allies to protest against Jerry Lewis, and against the Telethon. We've argued that the Telethon promotes pity, a counterproductive emotion which undermines our social equality. Here's how Lewis responded to the Telethon protesters during a 2001 television interview: "Pity? You don't want to be pitied because you're a cripple in a wheelchair? Stay in your house!"

Disability rights activists have launched an online petition to protest the Academy's decision and to demand the award be canceled. To sign the petition, go to

Friday, January 9, 2009

weather permitting

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

This is a reminder about the meeting of the Special Parents of Exceptional Children group at the Chestnut Hill Library this Saturday, January 10, at 1:00. Herb Hinkle, attorney, will speak about planning for your child's future - estate planning, guardianship and special needs trusts. There is no charge for this event and no need to RSVP.

If the weather forces a cancellation, we will send out an email on Saturday morning.

Hope to see you there!

Jean McCoubrey

Monday, January 5, 2009

TWO ASP Meetings

from Jean McCoubrey, thanks -- JD

Saturday, January 17, 2009, 1pm-3pm
Northern Home for Children
5301 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128
Light refreshments provided


Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 6:15pm-8pm
CBH, 8th & Market, 7th floor
Philadelphia, PA 191070
(Please sign in at the front desk)
Light Meal Provided
*Note change in conference rooms to E & C
Art and Music Therapy Social Skills Programs
Presented by Kathryn Snyder, MA, ATR-BC, LPC
from The Art Of Friendship
and The Rythym and Friendship

In the context of structured, therapeutic (and fun) art activities, existing strengths are reinforced, new social skills are taught, and self esteem is built. Utilizing the arts, direct instruction of social lessons on social awareness and social skills and coping strategies are taught in a fun and engaging way. Their new Music Therapy program is a fun, creative way to engage socially while also practicing the social thinking curriculum developed by Michelle Garcia-Winner

Kathryn Snyder is a Board-Certified Art Psychotherapist & Licensed Professional Counselor dedicated to helping children & families survive & thrive in a challenging world. She has been in practice for over 10 years specializing in social & emotional problems of early childhood and adolescence. A graduate of the Hahnemann Creative Arts in Therapy Program at Drexel University and continues to supervise master's degree candidates.

*ASP greatly appreciates your RSVP for an accurate head-count*
215-413-7106, OR NASYA06@MSN.COM To RSVP and for Childcare
call 215-413-7106

What is Autism Sharing and Parenting?
ASP is a volunteer run, 501(c)3 community-based, support group with the following goals
  • To provide a support system for children with a diagnosis
  • of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and their families
  • To educate the under-informed and culturally diverse
  • populations in Philadelphia area
  • To advocate for Children with ASD and their families
  • To increase awareness of Autism and related families issues
  • in the Philadelphia area